Processors were bumped with 233 MHz, 266 MHz and 300 MHz models. The same design was updated on August 1998 (Wallstreet-II) and featured a 14.1" display on all models.
Apple powerbook g4 price model a1104 series#
Powerbook G3 Series (Wallstreet Series II, AKA PDQ) First version of Wallstreet were getting hot because of the speed bus 83 MHz on the top model 292 MHz and 1 MB L2 cache and Apple quickly replaced the whole line and placed another logic board and cpu with less L2 cache to 512 KB. L2 cachless uses the PPC740), 250 MHz and 292 MHz version were made available with three display options which were 12" passive matrix LCD, 13.3" TFT LCD and 14.1" TFT LCD. 233 MHz (no L2 cache 13.3" version, no L2 cache in one of the 14.1" versions, other one having 512 KB. The second generation of PowerBook G3s with the name PowerBook G3 series (Mainstreet/Wallstreet) were introduced on March 1998 with redesigned case which was lighter and more round and was still an Old World ROM Mac. PowerBook G3 Series (Wallstreet Series I) File:WallstreetII.jpg As a result, the Kanga has the dubious distinction of being Apple's fastest depreciating PowerBook. The Kanga was on the market for less than 5 months, and is largely regarded as a stopgap system that allowed Apple to ship G3 PowerBooks in a preexisting Apple design while Apple prepared its more revolutionary PowerBook G3 Series.
Apple powerbook g4 price model a1104 mac os#
It is the only G3 system that is not officially compatible with Mac OS X. This first PowerBook G3 shipped with a 250 MHz G3 processor and a 12.1" TFT SVGA LCD. The G3 made the Kanga more than twice as fast as a 3400, and the improved graphics controller allowed it to refresh the screen 74 percent faster. Other changes to the motherboard included doubling the on-board RAM from 16 MB to 32 MB, and a faster version of the on-board Chips and Technologies graphics controller than the 3400 had. The motherboard was upclocked from 40 MHz to 50 MHz, resulting in some incompatibility with older 3400 RAM modules. It uses the same case as a 3400, and a very similar motherboard. This model was based on the PowerBook 3400, and was unofficially known as the PowerBook 3500. At the time of its introduction, the PowerBook G3 was advertised as the fastest notebook computer available (a title formerly held by its predecessor, the 240 MHz PPC 603ev-based 3400c). The first Macintosh PowerBook G3, codenamed "Kanga" was introduced in November 1997.

3 Powerbook G3 Series (Wallstreet Series II, AKA PDQ).2 PowerBook G3 Series (Wallstreet Series I).